We are Forest Therapy Croatia, first Croatian society for Forest therapy and education. Forest therapy provides an answer for two crucial problems of modern society.
First one is fast growing rate in decreasing the quality of human life and health, and second one is the degradation of natural habitats and species.
Modern people are increasingly losing contact with nature, which is a proven source of goodness and resilience for our immunity and healing.
Staying in nature returns attention to the present moment and collecting our scattered senses back in focus.
Forest therapy helps us to persist in a healthy lifestyle, to become aware of essential simple everyday actions such as: Breathing, body movement and nutrition. Activities in nature prevents numerous chronic degenerative diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
Not only the body, but the thoughts and emotions of modern people are overloaded with numerous patterns, deadlines, inadequate emotions. Interactions and relationships with other people take lots of life energy.
Staying in a natural forest environment favors the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for unconscious emotional reactions and storing emotional content storing.
Our mission is to bring people closer to nature and holistic health through Forest therapy programs and education.